Interview with Kinship Care – March 2022

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Interview with Kinship Care – March 2022

Grandmother shares her experiences working with KICS KFC


KICS Kinship and Foster Care Service (KFCS) is a partnership between Kummara Limited and Infinity Community Solutions LTD.  KICS KFCS receives funding for children and young people (0 to 18 years) who require a statutory out of home care placement with primary/short break Kinship and Foster Carers.

Recently we interviewed a Kinship Carer on her experiences working with KICS KFCS.  Here is what she said:


How long have you been working with KICS KFC?

I have been working with the program since it began.  Before that, my grandchild was known to KICS and their staff through other programs.  We were both happy to continue having an ongoing relationship as we found staff to always be supportive.  It made sense to move to KICS KFCS once I needed a kinship service.


What do you value the most about KICS KFC?

KICS KFCS helps me for supports for now but also for down the track.  This includes helping our family find programs for the kids.  I have really appreciated how the service has helped to get the ball rolling so we can access the right services and programs when we need them.

It has also been good knowing there is support to get a break if I need it.


What have been the highlights of being a Kinship Carer?

Being able to give my grandchildren somewhere they know they can come back too at any time.  I think it gives them reassurance knowing they have a bed and a safe space if they need it.  Knowing they are safe and that they are on the right path while having support for myself as the carer has been an important part of looking after them.


If you could speak to another person considering being kin carer, what advice would you have: 

Kinship Carers need support and a support service who is going to be there for them (the Kinship Carer).  The KICS KFCS is the one to go too.  They are there for the Kinship Care providing all different kinds of support.


Can you tell those reading this what sort of support they might be able to offer to Kinship Carers?

KICS KFCS can help you make ends meet like linking into other community supports like food banks, financial support and accessing school books for the kids.  Kinship carers don’t just care for kids, they often care for the whole extended family, so having extra supports helps.

With Covid-19 they have been great at helping with practical items like masks and sanitisers.  They also support you to access courses and keep you up to date with legislation that involves you as a carer.

One of the things they really helped me with was supporting me with plans for the kids if I am not well.  I am a grandmother and I see that I might not be around all the time for my grandchild so I have been planning what to do if something should happen.  KICS KFCS was able to help me write down my wishes and have them registered with the Department.  It is so reassuring knowing that my grandchild will be taken care of by someone I know will really look after him if I cannot be here.


What other advice can you offer someone considering to become a Kinship Carer?

Make sure you attend any and all courses that you can access whenever possible.  These can be helpful. Also attending events gives you opportunity to meet other Kinship Carers.  This can be important so you don’t feel you are alone.  KICS KFCS can help you with all of that.


Any last bit of information you want to share?

KICS KFCS staff keep things confidential provided it doesn’t go against Department policy and the child is not in danger.  I really trust them and I know they are there for me and my grandchild.  They really listen and will help put a case across to the Department, so that my concerns are heard.  There is a level of balance to get things done in the best interests of the children.  They have really helped me.


Kinship carers are need in South East Queensland.  If you are considering becoming a Kinship Carer email  for more information.