How Caring for Our Community is also Caring for Our Environment?

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How Caring for Our Community is also Caring for Our Environment?

One tree is being planted for every care hour delivered through a partnership program.


The “One Tree Planted Partnership” is an initiative from Edmen Community Staffing Solutions.  Edmen Community Staffing Solutions believe in a sustainable future for people and the environment and in 2022 they launched a project to plant one tree for every hour worked in partnership with their clients.

Edmen Community Staffing Solutions is the employment partnership of choice for Infinity Community Solutions Ltd.  And we are so pleased to be able to play a small part in this initiative.

With 610 Eucalyptus Blue Gums and Weeping Willows planted throughout the Sunshine Coast on behalf of every hour worked to date for the 2022 Financial Year, we want to acknowledge this out of the box thinking by Edmen Community Staffing Solutions.  It is essential we all look for ways to improve our care for the environment and it is an extra special initiative by which we can contribute to caring for our environment whilst also caring for our community.  We look forward to working with our key partners to find other innovative ways to improve our community’s wellbeing into the future.