In the world of Therapeutic Residential Care, where young individuals often face a tumultuous path filled with challenges, the significance of a young person securing a job cannot be overstated. It is not merely a job; it is a beacon of hope, a symbol of resilience, and it can be a turning point in life. For some Young People (YP) it can also be the first step towards self-sufficiency and a demonstration of personal growth.
For one YP who is in Therapeutic Residential Care at Infinity Community Solutions Ltd (ICS), being offered an opportunity to work at their favourite indoor activity centre is a testament to how far they have come in developing their social skills, confidence, and capabilities to interact with others. The offer of employment is a demonstration that they can conquer the challenges life throws their way.
This will be more than just earning an income. Employment for this YP will mean skill development and a step towards independence. The YP will start to develop practical skills, hone their problem-solving abilities, and explore their interests and talents in a supportive environment, as they move towards the next phase of life.
In the journey from out-of-home care to independent adulthood, young people experience a continuum of phases, a process that can be daunting without adequate support. This transition may span 15 to 25 years of age and for some longer. At ICS, we recognize the importance of effective transitions for YP in Therapeutic Residential Care. We are super excited about the possibilities that this opportunity holds for this remarkable young person and are working closely with the YP, the employer, and Child Safety to ensure a smooth transition into the workforce.
Kirsty Kranz, ICS Therapeutic Residential Care Program Manager says “This YP continues to inspire us every day in terms of their confidence and growth. They are moving towards adulthood in huge leaps and bounds, showing resilience and enthusiasm to learn and experience new challenges along the way”.
It is still in the early process of commencing employment and moving towards independence for the YP, but it is a milestone that deserves celebration. As they step along this path, the benefits will start to unfold, and the YP will be able to envision a future of new possibilities. And we look forward to supporting the YP in seeing that come to life.
For any YP in Therapeutic Residential Care, gaining a job is not just a big deal; it’s a transformative experience. It signifies progress, resilience, and the potential for a successful transition to independence. It’s a testament to their strength and a promise of a brighter future. In this journey, our organization stands firmly by their side, advocating for positive change, and providing unwavering support. Together, we believe in the power of employment to change lives, one young person at a time.
Infinity Community Solutions Ltd. Residential Intervention Services are underpinned by a contemporary evidence-informed practice model that aligns with the Queensland Hope and Healing Framework. The ICS Practice Model applies needs-based thinking to attachment-focused care within a trauma-informed therapeutic milieu.