Category: KICS

The Power Hour: Conversations with Changemakers

The Power Hour: Conversations with Changemakers

The Changemaker: The Quiet Leadership of Ange Tyson In the heart of Queensland’s family services sector stands Ange Tyson, someone who embodies the ethos of listening with respect. As the Kinship and Foster Care Team Leader, Ange’s career with Kummara Limited and Infinity Community Solutions Ltd (KICS) over the last decade reflects commitment and dedication to...

Unlocking the Voice of the Caregivers

Unlocking the Voice of the Caregivers

In the realm of disability, the voice of the caregiver can sometimes go unheard.  Add in the complexities of being a kinship or foster carer where authority for decision making passes through the Chief Executive, or The Office of the Public Guardian and if can feel very disempowering.   Every day the carer of a child...

Overcoming Barriers for Keeping Kids Kinnected

Overcoming Barriers for Keeping Kids Kinnected

Family connections are crucial for children or young people who can’t live with their parents, providing a sense of belonging and stability. Living away from parents can be traumatic, especially when transitioning between caregivers. This disruption can lead to overwhelm, emotional distress, anxiety, and fear. Approaching these transitions with sensitivity and providing appropriate support is...

Social Justice Driving Lifelong Outcomes

Social Justice Driving Lifelong Outcomes

Social justice is a verb, not just a concept or an ideal. It demands action, engagement, and a commitment to dismantling the barriers that enable inequality. It requires us to actively challenge injustice, speak out against discrimination, and work towards creating a world where everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, has equal opportunities and...

Empowering Voices: A Journey of Speech Therapy and Holistic Support for Children in Kinship Care

Empowering Voices: A Journey of Speech Therapy and Holistic Support for Children in Kinship Care

For children, speech therapy plays a crucial role in building the foundational skills needed for effective communication. These skills encompass articulation, language comprehension, and social communication—cornerstones that shape a child’s ability to express themselves and connect with the world. Early intervention is key, as addressing speech and language difficulties during formative years can significantly impact...

Family-Led Assessment – a Key Component to Stable Statutory Kinship Care

Family-Led Assessment – a Key Component to Stable Statutory Kinship Care

Kinship care plays a vital role in ensuring the cultural preservation and well-being of First Nation children. Kinship Care involves family members or close community members stepping in to care for a child when their biological parents are unable to do so. Families want to play an active role in caring for and providing for...

October 12, 2023October 12, 2023by
Representation at QFKC Conference

Representation at QFKC Conference

The QFKC is the peak body for all Foster and Kinship Carers in Queensland, representing more than 6000 carers throughout the state. Each year QFKC holds a conference, bringing together like-minded people including carers, government, and non-government staff to participate in professional development, network, and collaborate in a relaxed atmosphere. This year Kummara Limited and...

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