Category: self-Interest

Play Transforms Education

Play Transforms Education

Transitioning back into mainstream schooling is being facilitated through the power of play for one young person in care. After navigating more than 12 months of distance learning and being able to overcome some big challenges thanks to that flexibility, this young person now begins the exciting yet daunting process of returning to a mainstream...

Giving with Love

Giving with Love

Giving with love is an action known only too well to Jill.  For the past 23 years she along with other ladies from Western Brisbane, have been crocheting for charity.  What started as a social group, the ladies coming together on a weekly basis to crochet for the needy, homeless, and new mothers, grew into...

Importance of Kinship Carers for the Community

Importance of Kinship Carers for the Community

Kinship carers, including grandparents, aunts, uncles and family friends, play an important role in the community by providing a supportive and stable home environment for children who may have experienced difficulties or disruptions in their lives. Kinship care arrangements can help prevent children from entering the foster care system, helping to minimise stigmatise of being...