Our Focus on Transformation

We value, and uphold, the democratic principles embraced by the Australian Association of Social Workers, as we work to create the circumstances which enable our clients to flourish.  Our four areas of focus are:



Infinity Community Solutions Ltd views each client in terms of their potential – not their circumstances.  We respect the inherit dignity, worth and autonomy of every person in our care, modelling respect, sensitivity, confidentiality and honesty in all interactions with clients and their carers.


Social Justice

We take seriously our duty of care as we work with clients to expand their choices, develop, and self-determine.  Our goal is to preserve and enrich equality and justice – for our clients, and the future generations to come.



An important part of our role is to work as advocate for our clients.  We actively use our leadership influence, and contribute to the research evidence base, to leverage change to social systems and structures that break down the barriers our clients face.



We develop a deep understanding and appreciation of the unique background, knowledge, skills, history, and lived experience of our clients, and work to help them find ways to engage meaningfully in their communities and culture, and make positive contributions to society.