Upcoming Events

Bringing the Human Element back to the Human Services

Bringing the Human Element back to the Human Services

Changemaker Spotlight – Linda Smith: Human Services Leadership with Heart, Advocacy, and Action for Disability and Foster & Kinship Care Be genuine, be kind, and connect with people. Even a smile or hello can make a big difference.” In the human services sector, where lives meet corporate decisions, leadership can take many shapes. Linda Smith...

The Power Hour: Conversations with Changemakers

The Power Hour: Conversations with Changemakers

The Changemaker: Bryan Smith and the Evolution of QFKC For over three decades, Bryan Smith has emerged as a remarkable advocate, leader, and devoted carer, making waves in the lives of vulnerable children and supporting foster and kinship carers. His unwavering commitment has not only impacted local communities but has also resonated on a national...

Supporting Family to Care for Family

Supporting Family to Care for Family

Children belong with family.  At times when children are unable to live with their parents, it is critical to maintain a connection with family supports.  Family help build a strong sense of identity, belonging and wellbeing for a child or young person which results in better life outcomes for both them and their families. KICS...

Kids in Care and Crisis Receive Community Support

Kids in Care and Crisis Receive Community Support

From humble beginnings over 5 years ago for a small sewing group, packing care kits to a registered charity with over 2000 volunteers now shipping boxes of backpacks full of essential items for kids across Queensland, Care Kits for Kids has created a legacy that even the founder Ann George could not have imagined. It...

Representation at QFKC Conference

Representation at QFKC Conference

The QFKC is the peak body for all Foster and Kinship Carers in Queensland, representing more than 6000 carers throughout the state. Each year QFKC holds a conference, bringing together like-minded people including carers, government, and non-government staff to participate in professional development, network, and collaborate in a relaxed atmosphere. This year Kummara Limited and...